Monday, April 25, 2011

Frustrated Salespeople

Are you a frustrated salesperson who loves selling and working with people but are frustrated that you only get paid once for each transaction, and you feel like you are only as good as your last sale?

Thank you for requesting the FREE REPORT on building an income that doesn’t stop coming in when you stop working and  selling and working, and learn how to ROCK YOUR LIFE.

The profession and act of selling can be a very enjoyable experience on many levels including emotionally and financially. A great pleasure and excitement can be received while helping a customer or client get the product or service that best suits there individual needs.

While traditional sales can be very fun and enjoyable, it does come with its setbacks. With traditional sales positions you are only paid once for each sale that you make, and the company that you work for may receive recurring payments for the product which you sold one time. For example while selling at places such as a gym, cell phone store, auto lot and many other places you as a salesperson put much effort into creating the relationship and building the rapport necessary to make the sale. After you make the sale the company that you work for receives recurring payments on the sale that you got paid on once.

Thankfully, you do not have to be a struggling salesperson who only gets paid once for each sale and relationship that you make. You can use the skills and talents that you have cultivated and honed over your life and sale career in a way where you can earn a consistent stream of income that comes in weekly or monthly. For more information and a free report titled “The ultimate money machine” by New York Times Best Selling Author Robert G. Allen on how you can leverage these skills and those of others, enter your contact information in the box below.

Email Marketing You Can Trust

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Opportunities Abound

Are you concerned about your current J.O.B, future job opportunities, and your overall financial future?  With the uncertainty of the current economy, news about increasing unemployment in many parts of the country, decreasing value of pensions and 401(k) accounts, and decreasing home values it can become very easy to get very concerned and scared about your personal and financial future.

"If you change the way you look at things, the way you look at things change- Dr.  Wayne Dyer

Thankfully, amidst all of the negative news which we hear so often about everything happening around us, there is a HUGE silver lining.  There are actually more opportunities now to create WEALTH AND ABUNDANCE for ourselves than there have ever been in the past.  For example, with the right knowledge and education there are many opportunities to money to make in the stock market, Real Estate is at record lows in some parts of the country and is at a perfect time for investment properties and other real estate type investments. and my personal favorite way to create multiple streams of passive income for myself while helping others do the same is INTERNET MARKETING and NETWORK MARKETING.  These two fields offer an opportunity for average individuals to create passive income for themselves in there spare time, which with enough time and effort can grow into enough to exceed your expenses and become financially free.

Another key factor and benefit to these types of businesses and cash flow streams is that it can be very cheap to get started, normally with little to no money down, while having no ceiling on the income they can make.

Here is an news story from an Australian TV Channel about Direct Selling:

Monday, December 7, 2009

Why we chase security

The first reason is conditioning. We are all affected in one way or another by what we see, hear, and the people that we are surrounded by as we grow up. Many many people grow up hearing the mantra of "get good grades, get a good education, get a SAFE and SECURE JOB, save your money, try and buy a reasonable house, invest through your 401k or similar retirement plan, and hope to be able to have enough money to retire after 30, 40 or even 50 years of working. If that is the blueprint we are given for how we should live our life, it will most likely stick with us unless we make a conscious decision to change it, and live our lives differently. It can be very easy to get stuck in the "rat race trap," and settle for what an employer decides to pay us, how many vacation and personal days they decide to let us have, the amount of holiday/christmas bonus we get, and what kind of retirement plan we get.

We are also influenced by the people you hang around and surround yourself with. There are individuals who grow up in a household where there parents or caregivers work during the day, come home, eat and watch TV for the rest of the evening, while repeating that process over and over for years on ond. It can be very easy to be majorly influenced by that type of lifestyle and begin to life it yourself. Whereas, If you surround yourself with winners, and people who are doing things with there lives, it will begin to rub off on you, and you will want to do the same as they are.

Secondly, I believe that our self esteem and self worth can have a large impact on whether we choose to settle for security. If we have a low self esteem and view on our capabilities we will be much less likely to believe we have the ability to create the life of our dreams. Unfortunately people grow up believing that if they don't get good grades in school, they are destined for a life of mediocrity. While grades are very important in many areas, it is not a true determining factor for how you are destined to live your life and how much money you will make. Some people believe that you need some sort of super power to live a life of abundance, or that massive success is only for a few select few. But in reality, we all have special talents that we were given as a gift from above, and we should use them to the best of our ability to create the life that WE WANT FOR OURSELVES, NOT THE LIFE OTHER PEOPLE WANT FOR US

Monday, October 12, 2009


Check out this very interesting new article on VITAMIN D, and the positive impact that it can have in our lives.

(I personally feel like I just walked out into a beautiful sunny day when I take 4000 IU of VITAMIN D3)

 Dr. Frank Lipman Integrative Physician Vitamin D: What You Need To Know

Hardly a day goes by without some groundbreaking news about Vitamin D. Originally known for it's crucial role in maintaining calcium levels for bone health, it is rapidly becoming apparent that we have vastly underestimated Vitamin D's significant importance for our overall health and wellbeing. In short, judging by what I see in my practice and speaking with colleagues around the country, it's looking very much like we're facing an epidemic of Vitamin D deficiency, with potential grave consequences. This Vitamin D FAQ will help to get you up to speed on this important topic.

What diseases are associated with Vitamin D deficiency?

Vitamin D deficiency has been shown to play a role in almost every major disease, including:
  • Osteoporosis and Osteopenia
  • 17 varieties of Cancer (including breast, prostate and colon)
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Obesity
  • Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Bursitis
  • Gout
  • Infertility and PMS
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder
  • Alzheimer's Disease
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic Pain
  • Periodontal disease
  • Psoriasis

What is vitamin D?

Although it's called a vitamin, vitamin D is really a hormone not a vitamin. Vitamins cannot be produced by your body, we get them from dietary sources, whereas hormones like vitamin D are made in your body. It's your body's only source of calcitrol (activated vitamin D), the most potent steroid hormone in the body.

What does vitamin D do?

Like all steroid hormones, vitamin D is involved in making hundreds of enzymes and proteins, which are crucial for preserving health and preventing disease. It has the ability to interact and affect more than 2,000 genes in the body. It enhances muscle strength and builds bone. It has anti-inflammatory effects and bolsters the immune system. It helps the action of insulin and has anti-cancer activity. This is why vitamin D deficiency has been linked with so many of the diseases of modern society. Because of its vast array of benefits, maintaining optimal levels of D is essential for your health.

Where do I get vitamin D from?

The only 2 reliable sources of vitamin D are the sun and supplements. Sunlight exposure is the only reliable way for your body to generate vitamin D. Vitamin D is produced by your skin in response to exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun. In fact, this is such an efficient system that most of us make approx. 20,000 units of vitamin D after only 20 minutes of summer sun without suntan lotion (or clothes!) That's 100 times more than the government recommends per day! There must be a good reason why we make so much in so little time.
You do not generate vitamin D when sitting behind a glass window, whether in your car or at home because these UV rays cannot penetrate glass to generate vitamin D in your skin Also sunscreens, even weak ones, almost completely block your body's ability to generate vitamin D.
The other reliable source is vitamin D3 supplements (not vitamin D2)
Only about 10% of your vitamin D comes from diet, so it is nearly impossible to get adequate amounts of vitamin D from your food.

What are the food sources of vitamin D?

1. Fish liver oils, such as cod liver oil. Fatty wild fish like mackerel, salmon, halibut, tuna, sardines and herring
Fortified milk, orange juice and cereal
3. Dried Shitake mushrooms
4. Egg yolks

But to get adequate amounts of vitamin D from food, you would have to eat at least 5 servings of salmon a day or drink 20 cups of fortified milk

My Doctor told me to avoid the sun, what do you think?

There is an old Italian saying "Where the sun does not go the doctor does."
For about the last 25 years, doctors (dermatologists in particular) have demonized sun exposure and repeatedly told us it is bad for you and causes cancer. But is that true? In the last few years, numerous studies have shown that modest exposure to sunlight may actually be good for you, helping the body produce the vitamin D it needs to keep bones healthy and protect against cancer, including skin cancer. Though repeated sunburns--in children and very fair-skinned people--have been linked to melanoma, there is no credible scientific evidence that moderate sun exposure causes it. Since it's almost impossible to get adequate amounts of vitamin D from food alone (including fortified milk and fatty wild fish), the sun is your best source. I'm not suggesting you go bake in the sun with your suntan oil or go to tanning salons. But getting some sun without getting sunburned makes healthy sense.
We evolved in the sun; we were made to get some sun, not to live our lives indoors and slather on sunscreen every time we go outside. If the sun is shining where you are today, get out and enjoy it, talk about a free natural treatment! All you need is a little common sense when heading outdoors, do it gradually and always avoid sunburn.
Special Note: Remember to take antioxidants when you sit in the sun, as these can help prevent skin cells from sun damage.

How much sunshine do I need?

All living things need sun, the key is balance. Too much sun exposure can cause melanoma and skin aging, while too little creates an inadequate production of vitamin D. The amount needed depends on the season, time of day, where you live, skin pigmentation and other factors. As a general rule, if you are not vitamin D deficient, about 20 minutes a day in the spring, summer and fall on your face and arms or legs without sunscreen is adequate. It doesn't matter which part of the body you expose to the sun. Many people want to protect their face, so just don't put sunscreen on the other exposed parts for those 20 minutes.
If you live north of 37 degrees latitude (approximately a line drawn horizontally connecting Norfolk, Virginia to San Francisco, California) sunlight is not sufficient to create Vitamin D in your skin in the winter months, even if you are sitting in the sun in a bathing suit on a warm January day! The further you live from the equator, the longer exposure you need to the sun in order to generate vitamin D

How much vitamin D do I need?

How much vitamin D you need varies with age, body weight, percent of body fat, latitude, skin coloration, season of the year, use of sun block, individual variation in sun exposure, and - probably - how ill you are.
As a general rule, old people need more than young people, big people need more that little people, fat people need more than skinny people, dark-skinned people need more than fair skinned people, northern people need more than southern people, winter people need more than summer people, sun block lovers need more than sun block haters, sun-phobes need more than sun worshipers, and ill people may need more than well people.
What I and many of my colleagues around the country are finding is that even people spending what we thought was adequate amount of time in the sun, are still showing up with low blood vitamin D levels. I am not sure why at this stage but there is an easy and cheap solution...vitamin D supplementation.

How much vitamin D should I supplement with?

Most important is that you take vitamin D3, (cholecalciferol) the active form of vitamin D. Do not take vitamin D2 as it is not as biologically active nor as effective, and nor as safe as vitamin D3. And taking the right amount is crucial, most doctors tend to under dose. The current recommendations from the Food and Nutrition Board of the U.S. Institute of Medicine: from 200 to 600 IU/day depending on one's age, are way too low.These values were originally chosen because they were found to prevent osteomalacia (bone softening) and rickets
Here are some guidelines
If your blood level is above 45ng/ml and for maintenance, I recommend 2,000-4,000 IU daily depending on age, weight, season, how much time is spent outdoors, where one lives, skin color and obviously blood levels
In other words if you are older, larger, living in the northern latitudes during the winter, are not getting sun and have dark skin, I recommend the higher maintenance dose.
If your blood level is 30-45 ng/ml, I recommend you correct it with 5,000 IU of vitamin D3 a day for 3 months under a doctor's supervision and then recheck your blood levels.

If your blood level is less than 30 ng/ml, I recommend you correct it with 10,000 IU of vitamin D3 a day under a doctor's supervision and then recheck your blood levels after 3 months. It takes a good 6 months usually to optimize your vitamin D levels if you're deficient. Once this occurs, you can lower the dose to the maintenance dose of 2,000 - 4,000 IU a day.

What are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency?

There is no clear pattern of symptoms. In fact many people remain asymptomatic despite low levels. But here are some of the more common symptoms:
  • Fatigue
  • General muscle pain and weakness
  • Muscle cramps
  • Joint pain
  • Chronic pain
  • Weight gain
  • High blood pressure
  • Restless sleep
  • Poor concentration
  • Headaches
  • Bladder problems
  • Constipation or diarrhea

What about vitamin D toxicity?

It is impossible to generate too much vitamin D in your body from sunlight exposure: your body will self-regulate and only generate what it needs. Although very rare, it is possible to overdose and become toxic with supplementation as vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin and therefore stored in the body for longer periods of time. Therefore if you are taking 5,000 IU or more daily, you should have your blood levels monitored approximately every 3 months.

What blood test should I have to check my vitamin D levels?

The only blood test that can diagnose vitamin D deficiency is a 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25 OH vitamin D). Unfortunately, some doctors are still ordering the wrong test, 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D. In fact a common cause of high 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D is a low 25(OH)D or vitamin D deficiency. So when doctors see the 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D is normal or high and tell their patients that they are OK, they are often vitamin D deficient.
Your doctor should do this test for you. Unfortunately even some of the labs, in particular Qwest, have had problems with correct results, usually giving erroneously high results.
If you don't want to go through your doctor, the ZRT lab does a blood spot test that you can order without going through a doctor.

What is the ideal blood level of 25 hydroxy vitamin D?

The current ranges for "normal" are 20 to 55 ng/ml. These are much too low!!! They may be fine if you want to prevent rickets or osteomalacia, but not for optimal health. The ideal range for optimal health is 50-80 ng/ml.

How often should I have a 25 hydroxy vitamin D blood test?

At least once a year especially at the beginning of winter. If you are supplementing, I suggest you monitor your vitamin D levels approximately every 3months until you are in the optimal range. If you are taking high doses (10,000 IU a day) your doctor must also check your calcium, phosphorous, and parathyroid hormone levels every 3 months

My doctor prescribed Drisdol, 50,000 IU per week. What is it?

Drisdol is a prescription of 50,000 IU tablets of vitamin D2 or ergocalciferol. Ergocalciferol is not vitamin D but it is similar. D2 is not normally found in humans and most studies show it does not raise 25(OH)D levels as well as (cholecalciferol or vit D3) does. If you are vitamin D deficient, the best thing to do, is to take vitamin D3.

Can I take cod liver oil to get my vitamin D?

Although Cod liver oil contains a fair amount of vitamin D, it also contains high amounts of vitamin A. Vitamin A antagonizes the action of vitamin D and can be toxic at high levels.

Why is there an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency?

It is estimated that anywhere from 30 to 100% of Americans, depending upon their age and community living environments, are deficient in Vitamin D. More than half of all American children are vitamin deficient. Supposedly almost 3/4s of pregnant women are vitamin D deficient, predisposing their unborn children to all sorts of problems. Worldwide, it is estimated that the epidemic of vitamin D deficiency affects one billion people. In my practice over 80% of patients whose vitamin D levels I check are deficient. No one is exactly sure why this is happening apart from the fact that we spend too much time indoors and when we go out into the sun, we lather sunscreen on ourselves. I think it must be more than that. But whatever the reason, the reality is we have a major epidemic on our hands.

What about the use of tanning beds to get my vitamin D?

I tend not to recommend them because we don't really know if they are safe. Because the light sources vary with different tanning beds, it makes them unpredictable and possibly unsafe. In addition, most commercial tanning beds emit an unknown amount of EMF and because one is so close to the actual bed, it may be an unnecessary high dose. Theoretically both these problems could be overcome, but in reality they usually are not. 

For more information on vitamin D, go to

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The "Recession" is a state of mind

As sure as the spring will follow the winter, prosperity and economic growth will follow recession.-Bo Bennett

Which mindset do you have? A recession mindset or a realistically optimistic mindset?

While listening to a satellite radio show this morning, the hosts were talking about what is currently going on with the economy and a caller called in and made a very interesting point. The caller said something like "What would happen if the media and the press had told everyone that the economy was great, and they have nothing to worry about." While it may not be a wise choice to always go out and spend our money recklessly in any economic cycle, the news and information that we feed into our head can have a large impact on our thoughts and actions. When we concentrate our minds heavily on how bad the economy is, and how things may seem to be we are putting our minds into a negative state, which will continue to focus on negative things.

I firmly believe that it is our personal choice of whether or not we allow ourselves to be affected by all of the negative news we hear about the recession, and have that control our lives. The nation's economy and our own personal economy are two completely separate entities. We do not have much control over what goes on in the nation's economy, but we do have control of how we handle our own personal economy. and whether we choose to accumulate assets which will create cash flow for ourselves, or whether we continue to accumulate liabilities which take money out of our pocket. Each one of us has the ability to take control of our own lives, and take the necessary actions that it will take to create the future we have always dreamed of.

During recessionary periods, there are many more opportunities to accumulate assets which will enable you to create massive wealth for yourself. For example; houses prices have decreased, foreclosures are up which gives an opportunity to help out an individual who may be in foreclosure, stock prices are down and may be at a "sale price," and there are business opportunities available that can create both cashflow and long term wealth possibilities.

I think it is imperative that everyone take a look inside themselves, and decide what they really want out of life, and take the actions necessary to achieve it. We were put on this great earth for a purpose, and that is to live a life full of abundance, and enjoy everything that it has to offer. There are too many great things to experience and learn about, instead of just sitting around and letting outside circumstances control our lives.

Here is an excellent video from Robert Kiyosaki about THINKING LIKE A CHAMPION

Think Like A Champion from Conspiracy of the Rich on Vimeo.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Just Do it

At first glance, it may look as if it would take a lot of strength and effort to break this board in half without hurting ourselves. But once you get in the right mindrame, clear out any negative thoughts, it becomes as easy as breaking a piece of paper.

At a recent New Jersey powerteam meeting, the first person that got up to break the board was a young girl who seemed at first, but once she got in the correct stance and mindframe, she was able to break the board with ease as if it were a piece of looseleaf paper.

Here is a picture of the wooden board that I broke after clearing any negative thoughts or emotions that I had, and kept my mind in the moment to avoid hurtinf myself or anyone around me.

Remove Formatting from selectionMany people are able to do otherwise un thought of things such as walking on fire, walking on broken glass, and breaking a steel tipped arrow with the bottom portion of of our neck. Under normal conditions these actions could lead to a serious injury, or worse, but when we put our minds in the correct state of mind, and concentrate on our goal, our possibilities are limitless.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Robert G. Allen's Recession Proof Formula

"There are two doors, one marked security, the other one marked FREEDOM."

New York Time's Best Selling Author Robert G. Allen talks about his Recession proof formula, and how YOU can create recession proof in good economies, and in bad economies.