Monday, April 25, 2011

Frustrated Salespeople

Are you a frustrated salesperson who loves selling and working with people but are frustrated that you only get paid once for each transaction, and you feel like you are only as good as your last sale?

Thank you for requesting the FREE REPORT on building an income that doesn’t stop coming in when you stop working and  selling and working, and learn how to ROCK YOUR LIFE.

The profession and act of selling can be a very enjoyable experience on many levels including emotionally and financially. A great pleasure and excitement can be received while helping a customer or client get the product or service that best suits there individual needs.

While traditional sales can be very fun and enjoyable, it does come with its setbacks. With traditional sales positions you are only paid once for each sale that you make, and the company that you work for may receive recurring payments for the product which you sold one time. For example while selling at places such as a gym, cell phone store, auto lot and many other places you as a salesperson put much effort into creating the relationship and building the rapport necessary to make the sale. After you make the sale the company that you work for receives recurring payments on the sale that you got paid on once.

Thankfully, you do not have to be a struggling salesperson who only gets paid once for each sale and relationship that you make. You can use the skills and talents that you have cultivated and honed over your life and sale career in a way where you can earn a consistent stream of income that comes in weekly or monthly. For more information and a free report titled “The ultimate money machine” by New York Times Best Selling Author Robert G. Allen on how you can leverage these skills and those of others, enter your contact information in the box below.

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