Friday, July 10, 2009

Just Do it

At first glance, it may look as if it would take a lot of strength and effort to break this board in half without hurting ourselves. But once you get in the right mindrame, clear out any negative thoughts, it becomes as easy as breaking a piece of paper.

At a recent New Jersey powerteam meeting, the first person that got up to break the board was a young girl who seemed at first, but once she got in the correct stance and mindframe, she was able to break the board with ease as if it were a piece of looseleaf paper.

Here is a picture of the wooden board that I broke after clearing any negative thoughts or emotions that I had, and kept my mind in the moment to avoid hurtinf myself or anyone around me.

Remove Formatting from selectionMany people are able to do otherwise un thought of things such as walking on fire, walking on broken glass, and breaking a steel tipped arrow with the bottom portion of of our neck. Under normal conditions these actions could lead to a serious injury, or worse, but when we put our minds in the correct state of mind, and concentrate on our goal, our possibilities are limitless.

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