Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The War Within Your Bodies And What You Can Do About it

"We are living too short, and dying too long."

Oxygen is both a necessity for life, and can also be very dangerous to the inside of our body. The same process that causes a cut apple to turn brown, and metal to rust is what causes your body to rust inside. During the process of oxygen being utilized to create energy, there is a by-product created which is known as free radicals. In it's scientific form, free radicals are charged oxygen molecules that are missing at least one electron, and desires to attach itself to another electron in its surrounding area. It is very important that the free radicals become neutralized by an antioxidant, because if it does not, it can go on and create more free radicals and damage the cell wall, vessel wall, proteins, fats, and even cause a change of the DNA nucleus of the cell. Recent medical literature has shown that many of the worst diseases we have, are a result of oxidative stress. These include cancer, diabetes, alzheimers, arthritis, coronary artery disease, parkinsons, and many others.

The Power of Antioxidants

In order to prevent oxidative stress and the major negative effects it can have on your body, you need to have more antioxidants and there supporting nutrients than the amount of free that you produce. Thankfully, we are not defenseless against this damaging process. and antioxidants are key to keep our cells healthy.

Here is a slide which shows what antioxidants and oxidation defense mechanisms are utilized.

Where and how do we get antioxidants?

We are able to get most of our antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene from fruits and vegetables that we eat. These and other antioxidants work best in synergy with one another to fight off free radicals in different parts of our bodies.

In the past, we were able to get the necessary antioxidants and minerals through our foods and diet alone, but unfortunately this is not possible anymore. There are a couple of reasons for this. The typical American diet is low in fruits, vegetables, healthy proteins and fats, and high in bad sugars, high glycemic carbohydrates, bad fats, and processed foods. In addition to our unhealthy diet, the quality of our food, has decreased drastically over the past couple of decades. According to the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, there are decreased levels of six nutrients in vegetables and fruits. This report also shows that the levels of calcium, riboflavin, Vitamin C, Iron, Potassium, and Protein have declined drastically since 1950. There are many reasons for this including produce that is picked prematurely, changing climates, commercial fertilizers, and increasing carbon dioxide levels.

Thankfully, we do have help, high quality nutritional supplements are able to help our body use it's natural defense system, and healing power to keep our cells and body healthy. Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium and so forth are natural substances which support natural enzyme, antioxidant and immune systems. Through supplementation, we are able to provide our body with nutrients at optimal levels. Optimal levels are levels that have been shown to provide a significant medical benefit in medical literature. For example, when our bodies receives nutrients at optimal levels LDL cholesterol becomes more resistant to oxidation, homocysteine levels, and our eyes have greater protection from the sunlight.
All supplements are NOT created equal:

When it comes to nutritional products, and supplements all products are definitely not created equal. Many companies formulate there products to RDA levels which were created during World War II, when soldiers were dying from diseases such as scurvy, rickets, malaria, and other deficiency diseases. These levels are far below what the optimal levels are. Additionally, it is also important to make sure that the product which we are taking is bio-available, and will break down in your body shortly after taking it. If a product does not break down in your body within 30-45 minutes, it will not break down at all, and will go right through your body. One of the brands that is advertises widely, is known to be referred as bedpan bullets (Think from A TO ZINC.)

Here are some things that are ESSENTIAL for you to look for in a product:

  • Optimal Levels of Vitamins and Minerals
  • Look for studies to show that the product is bioavailable, or do your own bio availability test.
  • Look for a product that is formulated to Pharmaceutical grade standards, and does not contain any hidden toxins. Many products are formulated to food grade standards, and what you see on the bottle is not really in the bottle.
Our bodies natural defense and healing system are amazin.g, and is able to do amazing things with the help of healthy foods, and optimal supplementation.


Dr Ray Strand:,
What your Doctor doesnt know about nutritional supplements may be killing you.

Usana Health and Freedom Newspaper

1 comment:

  1. Antioxidants are key to eliminating free radicals that can damage our cells. A lot of great information. There have been a lot of nutritional products and supplements that if used correctly can help maintain health. Thanks again for this post.

    Self Improvement
